Unveiling Hope

Ditching Shame

Why “Anchor Well”?

Unveiling Hope

We want to help you uncover where your anchor has been stored away. We know that finding hope is your greatest gift to yourself in your journey with mental, physical, and spiritual health. Anchor Well isn’t here to be your hope. We are here to help unveil the hope from within you. And we are honored and excited you trust us with this sacred journey.

Ditching Shame

 We aspire to create the safest space for you to recognize any shame holding you static. Anchor Well will provide you with tools and support in order to ditch the shame that tries to squander your wholeness and health. We want you to experience such profound healing that those things that once kidnapped you into shame become your strength and witness to your healing journey. 

My experience with Sara has been phenomenal for my mental and spiritual wellbeing. She met me in the trenches of depression and walked the healing journey through all of its ups and downs. She got to know me, learned how my mind works, how I process various things, adapted to meet me where I was and helped explain things in a way that made sense for me. Therapy with her is the reason I thrive today! I am grateful for the service and care she has provided in my healing journey.
— Client M.W.

High Quality Therapeutic Care

At Anchor Well, we exemplify the harmonious integration of high-quality therapeutic care with best practices in business management. This delicate balance ensures that while our clients receive compassionate and effective treatment, our operations remain efficient, sustainable, and poised for growth.

Our clinicians are at the forefront, offering evidence-based, personalized treatment plans that address the unique needs of each client. Continuous professional development, colleague collaboration, and adherence to the latest research in psychology and mental health care are pillars of our practice.

This approach not only elevates the standard of care we provide but also ensures the longevity and success of Anchor Well, creating a model where excellence in client care and business efficiency coexist.